




이번주 풍경소리

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복자 요한바오로 교황 시복경축행사 거행!
5월 5일 어린이날, 천진암 성지에서는 어린이들이 어른들과 함께,복자 요한바오로2세

교황 시복경축행사를 실로 거룩하게 거행하였읍니다.

주한교황대사 Osvaldo Padilla 대주교님과 수원교구장 이용훈주교님, 수원교구

전임교구장 최덕기 주교님의 공동주례로, 파리외방전교회를 대표하여 허 Blot 신부님,

Poland, Italia, 신부님들과 Opus Dei 신부님들과 30 여명의 사제들이 850 여명의

교우들과 함께, Musica Sacra 합창단의 De Angelis Gregorian 성가 속에 어린이날

경축과 복자 요한바오로 2세 교황의 시복식 경축행사가 천진암 성지와 수원교구 광주

지구 사제들의 협력으로 아주 거룩히 봉헌되었읍니다.

교구장 이용훈 주교님의 경축사(이하 첨부)와 교황대사님의 강론(김길민 신부 통역),

등,매우 드문 거룩한 행사를 하였읍니다.(관계 사진은 내일 Photos 난 맨 아래에

올려질 것입니다.

미사 끝에는, 광주본당 학생회 중고등부의 축하공연과,Musica Sacra 합창단의 경축

특송, 서울 남자 천진회 이재형 회장이 가져온 어린이들 500 명을 위한 맛있는 빵과

과일과 아이스케키 등이 어린이들 점심 부페식사에 더하여져서, 모두가 즐겁고 맛있게

충분히 먹고 남는 경축 대잔치를 하였읍니다. 천주께 감사들 드립니다!


<이용훈 주교님의 경축사 요지>

2011년 5월 5일 어린이 날, 복자 요한 바오로 2세 교황 시복 경축 미사
교구장 주교님 경축사

찬미 예수님, 오늘은 우리 주 예수님께서 가장 사랑하시는 어린이들의 날입니다. 천상에 계신 우리 주님께서는 오늘 여기 모인 어린이들에게, 무한한 축복을 내려주십니다. 우선 여러분들을 위하여, 주한 교황대사 오스발도 파딜랴 대주교님과 전임교구장 최덕기 주교님, 그리고 여러 신부님들이 여러분을 위하여 함께 미사를 드립니다.

특히 이곳 천진암 성지는, 200여 년 전, 정약용, 정약종, 정약전, 이승훈, 등, 위대한 우리 성현들께서 10세 미만의 어린 시절부터 자주 와서 놀며, 당시 다른 서당이나 서원에서는 가르치지 않던, 아주 새롭고 神奇한 천문학, 지리학, 수학, 기하원본, 달력과 요일, 천주교 교리, 등을 광암 이벽 성조로부터, 배운 곳입니다. 여러분도 우리 성현들을 본받아서 앞날에 벼슬이 높은 사람이나 돈이 많은 부자가 되기보다도, 천주님과 교회와 우리나라와 우리 사회에 중요한 역할을 하는 훌륭한 인물들이 되기를 바랍니다.

또한 오늘 우리는 지난 주일, 로마에서 시복되신 복자 요한 바오로 2세 교황님의 시복경축 미사를 함께 봉헌하고 있습니다. 복자 요한 바오로 2세 교황께서는 우리나라와 우리겨레를 위하여 대단히 거룩하고 영원히 빛나는 큰일들을 하여주셨습니다.

103위 한국 순교자들을 시성하시어, 우리나라와 겨레를 성인들의 나라로 만드셨고,
103위 시성식을 한국에서 거행하시어, 최초로 우리나라를 로마와 같은 위치로 올리셨으며,천진암 성지를 한국천주교회 탄생지로 선언하시어, 우리나라를 이스라엘과 같은 聖地로 높이셨으니, 주님 나신 나라, 이스라엘 외에는 전 세계 모든 나라에, 순교 성지는 많으나, 그 나라 천주교회 발상지는 우리나라에만 있음을 공언하셨습니다.

이스라엘은 초자연적 계시와천주성자께서 강림하신 聖地이지만, 우리나라는 우리 선조들의 자발적인 진리탐구 노력과 성령의 강림으로 교회가 탄생된 나라입니다. 지구상에서 이스라엘과 함께 우리나라는 2大의雙璧을 이루는 天上天下의 啓示眞理를 완성하는 聖地의 나라임을 문서로 천명하셨습니다.

또한, 200여 년 전, 아직 세례도 받지 않은 상태에서, 선교사나 성직자 없이, 1779년부터 자발적으로 교회를 세운 우리 선조들을, 한국천주교회 창립자들이라고 격찬하심으로써, 우리겨레를 드높히셨습니다.

천상에 계신 복자 요한 바오로 2세 교황님께서는 우리나라 교회를 보살펴주시는 한국교회 천상의 수호자로서, 특별히 1993년에는 한민족100년계획천진암대성당 건립의 머릿돌에 교황강복문을 하사하시면서, 한민족의 영구적인 평화통일을 위한 대성당으로 세우도록 우리에게 당부하셨습니다.

사랑하는 어린이 여러분, 그리고 교우 여러분, 오늘 우리 모두 천상에 계신 복자 요한 바오로 2세 교황님께 감사와 찬미를 드리며, 여기 모인 어린이들이, 한국천주교회 창립 성현들과 같은 거룩하고 훌륭한 인물들이 되도록 기도합시다. 감사합니다.
수원교구장 이 용훈 주교


<교황대사 Osvaldo Padilla 대주교님의 강론>

Homily of Apostolic Nuncio H.E. Most Rev. Osvaldo Padilla
Children’s Day, Chon Jin Am, Thursday May 5, 2011

I wish to thank Rev. Msgr. Peter Byon Ki Young, the Rector of the Chon Jin Am Sanctuary for inviting me to celebrate this Mass, as we commemorate today in Korea, Children’s Day. I greet all the Priests present here today. My special greetings goes to all children and their parents participating in this Holy Mass.
I bring to all of you the blessings and greetings of the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI. I know that the Holy Father loves you, since young people show us the joy of life. The Holy Father always feels young, when he is among you. Children are very near to Jesus.
We know from the Gospel that Jesus showed an extraordinary love for children. He told the Apostles: "Let the children come to me, do not hinder them", and added: "for to such belongs the kingdom of God" (Mk 10:14). Another time, as the Apostles were arguing about who is the greatest, he will put a child in front of them and say: "Unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven" (Mt 18:3). On that occasion, he also spoke harsh words of warning: "Whoever causes one of these little ones who believes in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened round his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea" (Mt 18:6).
What does it mean that "unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven"? Jesus is pointing to children as models even for grown-ups. In children there is something that must never be missing in people who want to enter the kingdom of heaven. People who are destined to go to heaven are simple like children, and like children are full of trust, rich in goodness and pure. Only people of this sort can find in God a Father and, thanks to Jesus, can become in their own turn children of God.
Concerning the Episode in the Temple of Jerusalem, when Jesus was twelve years old, Blessed Pope John Paul II of happy memory wrote in his Letter to Children in the Year of Family (13 December 1994): “When he was twelve years old, as you know, he went for the first time with Mary and Joseph from Nazareth to Jerusalem for the Feast of the Passover. There, in the crowds of pilgrims, he was separated from his parents and, with other boys and girls of his own age, he stopped to listen to the teachers in the Temple, for a sort of "catechism lesson". The holidays were good opportunities for handing on the faith to children who were about the same age as Jesus. But on this occasion it happened that this extraordinary boy who had come from Nazareth not only asked very intelligent questions but also started to give profound answers to those who were teaching him. The questions and even more the answers astonished the Temple teachers. It was the same amazement which later on would mark Jesus' public preaching. The episode in the Temple of Jerusalem was simply the beginning and a kind of foreshadowing of what would happen some years later.
Dear boys and girls who are the same age as the twelve-year-old Jesus, are you not reminded now of the religion lessons in the parish and at school, lessons which you are invited to take part in? So I would like to ask you some questions: What do you think of your religion lessons? Do you become involved like the twelve-year-old Jesus in the Temple? Do you regularly go to these lessons at school and in the parish? Do your parents help you to do so?
The twelve-year-old Jesus became so interested in the religion lesson in the Temple of Jerusalem that, in a sense, he even forgot about his own parents.”
Celebrating this Holy Mass remembering Children’s Day, in this Sanctuary of Chon Jin Am, is meaningful. Because, we know from our church history, that lay people in Korea have set up the first works of evangelization and beginnings of the Church in the country. The lay people, men and women like you, initiated the word of God, even before the priests arrived. And it was in Chon Jin Am that they dedicated themselves to search the eternal truths. Chon Jin Am was their center of study and of spiritual formation. It was the convictions received from here that helped them to defend their faith and die for their faith. Thus this Sanctuary invites each one of us to revive in us the same enthusiasm that Jesus showed in the Temple of Jerusalem for learning and discussing divine truths; to relive the spirit of your ancestors who ardently desired to discover the treasures hidden in the Gospel and to spread the fire of the Gospel.
Over ten thousand Korean martyrs, most of them lay men and women. This is the dignity, honor and challenge of each one of you, today. Like its origin, the Church in Korea also continues to flourish, thanks to the dedication and love for the Church of men and women, like you. You are the instruments of God’s Word. You are the bearers of wisdom, and messengers of hope. Each one of you, child or grown - up, is a bearer of the Christian hope.
As catholic children you also follow the lives of the martyrs. Many young martyr members were only before 10 years old when they began to study the catholic Faith.
Jeong Yak Yong and his 2 brothers were very young, but they were devoting themselves to look for the almighty God in the eternal truth. You can all imitate them and their love for the faith. Like the young martyrs, you can be examples to your friends and even to your elder brothers and sisters and even to your parents – you can edify them by your goodness, by your charity and by your lives of prayer.
It is true that a child represents the joy not only of its parents but also the joy of the Church and the whole of society. But it is also true that in our days, unfortunately, many children in different parts of the world are suffering and being threatened: they are hungry and poor, they are dying from diseases and malnutrition, they are the victims of war, they are abandoned by their parents and condemned to remain without a home, without the warmth of a family of their own, they suffer many forms of violence and arrogance from grown-ups. Children’s Day gives us a propitious occasion to renew our determination to love our children, especially every child who suffers, who is lonely, who is abandoned, especially those with no one to love them and care for them.
In the Holy Eucharist Jesus gives the gift of himself to each one of us individually, he comes to each one of us. Under the appearance of a little piece of bread, he himself gives himself; he wants to enter our hearts.

Pope Benedict XVI, recalling the memories of his First Communion day, said, « “I understood that Jesus had entered my heart, he had actually visited me. And with Jesus, God himself was with me. And I realized that this is a gift of love that is truly worth more than all the other things that life can give.
So on that day I was really filled with great joy, because Jesus came to me and I realized that a new stage in my life was beginning, I was 9 years old, and that it was henceforth important to stay faithful to that encounter, to that communion. I promised the Lord as best I could: "I always want to stay with you", and I prayed to him, "but above all, stay with me"» (Catechetical Meeting of the Holy Father with children who had received their First Communion during the Year, St. Peter’s Square, 15 October 2005).
In this Eucharistic celebration let us pray like our Holy Father, "Jesus, I always want to stay with you, but above all, stay with me". AMEN.

Writer : 천진암    Date : 2011-05-05 20:20   Hit. 4165
다음글 : 원님 덕분에 나팔 한번 불어보는 성직자들이,,,.
이전글 : 복자 요한 바오로 2세 교황 시복식 경축을!
천진암성지 소식지(2019년 1월호)
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